Requests for professional support could, inter alia, come from
. . . a waste management department, aware that waste is a resource, is in need of a coherent approach for the collection of waste, based on the premises of ♦ user involvement ♦ user managed presorting ♦ used resources are kept clean ♦ financial benefits are returned to users . . . a finance department of a public utility that needs to define a tariff system honoring those users that show resource efficiency . . . a resource reduction & recovery working group that is to develop a plan achieving a 50% reduction in residential waste generation in a city environment . . . a regional authority that wants to assess if a regional approach to infrastructural service provision has a higher chance of being sustainable than the sum of the local level infrastructural service provisions assuming a same level of services . . . a university department interested in advancing the field of waste management at university level. . . . a region that has an urgent need to define a sustainable, feasible, financeable and enforceable approach for dealing with Construction & Demolition waste. |